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At an electron beam energy of 25 GeV the mean opening angle of the photon beam (variance)
amounts to 0.02 mrad.
Due to this high energy the discontinuity depends very sensitive on the crystal angles
which would have to be aligned to an accuracy less then half a mrad.
Similarly stringent requirements apply to the electron beam specifications.
Table 1:
Parameters used for all calculations
parameter |
unit |
value(s) |
beam energy |
MeV |
25300 |
energy spread |
MeV |
20 |
crystal angles (
) |
rad |
0.03 |
0.77 |
0.7854 |
beam divergence |
mrad |
0.01 |
beam spot size |
mm |
1 |
thickness of radiator |
mm |
0.1 |
radiator temperature |
K |
293.17 |
Z of radiator (diamond,Ni) |
- |
6 |
30 |
In order to minimize the influence of the electron beam divergence and multiple scattering in the target,
which depletes the polarisation, a 0.1 mm thick radiator was considered.
The desired discontinuity at kd=12 GeV can be achieved by only a few combinations of crystal angles.
The values of tab. 1, were chosen for ease of crystal alignment.
Out of a set of 9261 contributing lattice vectors (miller indices
the 100 strongest contributing vectors were used for this calculation.
Each other vector contributes less than 10-4 with respect to the strongest one
(here the lattice vector
to the cross section.
Including all experimental deficiencies (tab. 1),
the systematic error of the polarisation prediction is estimated to about 2% absolute.
Prediction of total crystal intensity
and incoherent
(dashed) photon intensity using the parameters of tab. 1 and 2, set A.
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Frank Natter