ANalytic Bremstrahlung Calculation

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Please cite this as : F.A. Natter at al., to be published.
Here, you get the code (version 2.0)
for the Analytic Bremstrahlungs Calculation
Short description of the package:
- files: the zipped tar file anb.tar.gz contains:
anb.c | the code for the calculation of the bremsstrahl spectra |
vec.c,h | a module to handle 3 dimensional simple vector operations |
mami220c.in | an example input file for anb |
mami220c.log | the corresponding log file of an anb run |
mami220c.vec | ascii output file of anb |
- input file:
parameter | explanation |
comment | first line is a user comment line to be stored in the log file |
beam energy | mean energy of the incident beam electrons in MeV |
energy spread | width (s) of the beam energy distribution |
crystal orientation | 3 crystal angles: (a,q,y) in rad |
beam spot size | horizontal and vertical beam spot size on radiator in [mm] |
beam divergence | horizontal and vertical beam divergence at the radiator in [mrad] |
thickness of radiator | thickness of crystal radiator in [mm] |
geometry of collimator | distance target/collimator in [m], length [m] and radius [mm] |
incoherent type | mode of calculation the incoherent intensity (0:Bethe Heitler, 1:Hubbell xsec) |
number of lattice vectors | number of lattice vectors to be used for the calculation (the less the faster) |
Z of radiators | charge number of crystal and amorphous radiator nuclei |
- input file: informs about the process of the calculation and contains various variables calculated along the way,
e.g. a list of lattice vectors, etc.
- output file: ascii file with 1000 rows and 7 columns as explained in the following:
1 st: | photon energy in [MeV] |
2 nd: | total coherent intensity Ic = sperp
+spara |
3 rd: | diff coherent Id = sperp
-spara |
4 th: | incoherent crystal Ii |
5 th: | incoherent amorphous Ia |
6 th: | electron contrib crystal Ie,i |
7 th: | electron amorphous Ie,a |
This file may be read from various programs like PAW, xmgr, plotdata to produce bremsstrahl spectra,e.g.:
It = Ic + Ii + Ie,i |
total experimental crystal intensity |
Ir = Ic / ( Ia + Ie,a ) |
relative experimental spectra, for example crystal versus amorphous radiator |
Ir = Ic / ( Ii + Ie,i ) |
relative spectra of the crystal radiator alone |
P = - Id/It |
polarisation |
- spectra from the example input file:
(above all total intensities and below relative intensity and polarisation)
- compilation: cc anb.c vec.c -g -lm -o anb
Last Modified: 13 Oct 1999 by